How to cure psoriasis quickly

How to cure psoriasis quickly

Without a doubt, the psoriasis relates to one of the most serious diseases of the skin. The pathology is an autoimmune and periods of remission often change relapses. Cure the disease completely impossible. Therapy against the disease is always directed towards the elimination of the symptoms of the disease and the relief of the feeling of well-being of the patient.

Many patients wonder about how to cure psoriasis quickly in the home?

In this article we will try to find out what methods you can deal with the disease for a short period of time, not to hurt your health.

As psoriasis shows?

Today there are many theories that imply the possible causes of the disease. However, in spite of long years of investigation of this pathology and could not form a clear idea of their nature and determine the exact causes of its appearance. The psoriasis manifests itself in the human body, mainly in the form of red or pink rashes of different sizes. The disease has the following characteristics:

  • the precipitation in the form of plates, which are elevated above the surface of the skin healthy;
  • the redness of the skin;
  • a strong desquamation of the dermis;
  • the dryness of the epidermis, the appearance of cracks and hemophilia.
Rashes may appear on different parts of the body. More often than the plaques are on the elbows, knees, palms of the hands, feet, scalp, as well as in the groin area and the armpits. In addition to skin manifestations, psoriasis has so severe as psoriatic arthritis. This type of pathology involves the defeat of joints and ligaments of the person. Mainly suffer a phalanx of the fingers, less of the joints and spine.

That can lead to a disease?

Until now, the theory about the origin of this pathology has not been approved, there are only assumptions about the possible causing factors of the disease. These include:

  • the genetic predisposition;
  • the violation of the processes of change in the body;
  • diseases of the organs of the endocrine system and the hormonal imbalance of the patient;
  • injuries and damage in the skin;
  • bad habits;
  • the poor diet;
  • the reception of some of the prepared medicated;
  • passed the infectious diseases.
That can lead to a disease

Are just some of the causes that can cause the disease, some patients psoriasis develops due to the long-term presence in the sun, or, on the contrary, due to hypothermia. Also cause outbreaks of rashes on the body some people suffer from products and allergens, such as chocolate, coffee, citrus fruits, and others.

Recommendations for the treatment at home

The question about the speed of get rid of psoriasis, each patient should take account of and respect the rules of the treatment in the home. These measures include:

  1. Clearly respect the time of reception and dose of the medication than prescribed by your doctor. If the treatment is carried out only remedies, you must follow the recipe.
  2. To ensure the hydration of the skin it is necessary to use creams and lotions. This will help prevent excess dry and injury in the places of defeat.
  3. Remove the bark must carefully and only after rasparivaniya. Carry out the procedure, with clean hands, without affecting areas of the skin where the scales still have not passed.
  4. If the doctor appointed to receive the sun or tanning beds, it is necessary to follow the schedule and duration of the procedures.
  5. Do not use multiple medications. In the case of development of an allergic reaction, or, on the contrary, a positive effect, you will not be able to determine which of the media has had an impact.
  6. By improving the state should not interrupt the therapy, the renunciation of inappropriate medicines can worsen the situation.
Recommendations for the treatment at home

In addition to this, it is very important to follow a diet. Food is one of the important aspects in the treatment of the pathology. The correct implementation of the power not only speed up the healing process, but it will also have a positive impact on all organs and systems.

The treatment of psoriasis medications

Many patients are fed to find the answer to the question about how to quickly get rid of the psoriasis with the help of creams, ready to give important resources, just to get rid of the bad plaques and papules in your body. Unfortunately, the access of the drug on the day of today have not been invented. In addition, each drug can have an impact on the party or in another patient. In the medical practice to use an ointment, which possess anti-inflammatory properties, disinfection, decongestant, numb the area of action. All medicines done on hormonal and non-hormonal tool. When the milder forms of specialists use ointments with easy action. More serious forms of the disease require treatment by medications.

Non-hormonal tool

The drugs in this group of doctors will prescribe the tools to the outside of the path of the gentle action. Its advantage is the absence of side effects, however, the drawback is that the effect of the use comes quite some time.

The method of application consists in applying the tool on clean skin, 2-3 times a day. The dose must be determined by a doctor. Self-treatment with the help even non-hormonal means all of the same may cause unwanted side effects when the incorrect application.

Hormonal of the tool

The feature of the hormonal drugs is of its effectiveness and fast action. However, it is very important for the medicine granted exclusively by specialists. The fact that the hormonal medications are able to cause a number of side effects and systemic complications. The improper use, excessive dose or a delay in the cancellation of the drug can cause many unwanted effects.

Hormonal of the tool

The effect of the drug begins after a number of goal. Patients notice the removal of the itching, the redness, the reduction of the inflammatory process.

The tool with the vitamin D

For a quick recovery and healing of the dermis, it is very important to include in the complex therapy vitamin. They help to establish the metabolic processes in the skin, improve the regeneration of tissues, saturating the cells useful components.

The recipes of traditional medicine

In addition to the drugs, very popular in our time, is the application of the popular methods of treatment. It is a variety of tools based on natural foods. Supporters of the national treatment claim that this type of therapy is not inferior to an abortion with drugs, and sometimes exceeds it. In addition, the medicine is the most affordable and safe.

In the next article we will see how quickly you can cure the psoriasis with the help of natural products and herbs.

The use of gold moustache

This plant is widely applied in folk medicine. When psoriasis of the golden mustache also gives excellent results. For the treatment of the ground is well pounded, wrapped received PAP in a gauze and is applied in the form of a compress on the affected area for 20-30 minutes. You can also use this method of the defeat of the scalp psoriasis.

Wood of birch, ash and vaseline

For preparing this medicine need to burn a few sprigs of birch prior to the formation of ashes and mix with a tablespoon of petroleum jelly. The mixture evenly put the plaque for the entire body. The course of treatment lasts until the complete purification of the skin eruptions.

The infusion of sunflower

To prepare the infusion it is necessary to take some of the young basket plants, grind, then pour in the white wine. Insist on the tool of 10-12 days in a cool place. After that, the tool should be filtered, and obtained the infusion to lubricate the plates.

The recipes of traditional medicine

The blue clay

Very well have proven to be the tool to clay-based. To do this, 100 g of product, mix with a tablespoon of castor oil and oil of sea buckthorn. The resulting solution is applied to the card in 15-25 minutes. Repeated over a course of 10 to 14 days.

The treatment of the onion

Effective against psoriatic eruptions is the white juice of the onion. To do this, the vegetables thoroughly pounded and out of her juice. I liberally grease the plate, by lightly rubbing the product in the place of defeat. The majority of patients notice a significant improvement already through several sessions.

Get rid of psoriasis quickly as possible and respecting the rules of treatment, and clearly following a healthy lifestyle. The rejection of bad habits, a diet, and resort to a specialist will help you to cure psoriasis in a long time.